Characterization of Ni-Cd Nanostructured System Obtained by Chemical Reduction of Salts


  • V. M. Pugachev Kemerovo State University; Russia, 650043, Krasnaya str. 6, Kemerovo, Russia
  • Yu. A. Zaharov Kemerovo State University; Russia, 650043, Krasnaya str. 6, Kemerovo, Russia
  • A. S. Valnyukova Kemerovo State University; Russia, 650043, Krasnaya str. 6, Kemerovo, Russia
  • V. G. Dodonov Kemerovo State University; Russia, 650043, Krasnaya str. 6, Kemerovo, Russia



XRD – X-ray diffraction; SAXS – small angle X-ray scattering; FCC – face-centered cubic compact


The process of obtaining of highly dispersed metal powders of Ni-Cd system by reduction of their salts by hydrazine in aqueous medium at high alkalinity was investigated. The possibility of production metal powders containing up to 50 mol% of cadmium is established and conditions for their synthesis are optimized. Phase composition, structural parameters, dispersity of solid products during the reduction
process were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and SAXS. The formation of metal solid solutions with FCC lattice contradicts to the known phase diagram for Ni-Cd and may be explained by increasing the energy of the particles in the nanostate. The formation of intermetallide NiCd5 in the studied compositions area is caused by sequential character of reduction process; as a result the metal product on the initial stage of reduction is significantly enriched with cadmium.


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How to Cite

Pugachev, V. M., Zaharov, Y. A., Valnyukova, A. S., & Dodonov, V. G. (2015). Characterization of Ni-Cd Nanostructured System Obtained by Chemical Reduction of Salts. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 17(4), 275–279.




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