A Study on the Possibilities of Obtaining Intermetallic Coating of Al-Cu and Cu-Zn Systems Deposited on Metal Carrier


  • M. B. Ismagilov “National Center of Space Research and Technology” JSK, 15, Shevchenko St., Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan
  • I. K. Ablakatov “National Center of Space Research and Technology” JSK, 15, Shevchenko St., Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan
  • I.M. Alpysbay “National Center of Space Research and Technology” JSK, 15, Shevchenko St., Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan




thermoregulation, intermetallic compounds, magnetron sputtering


The research aimed at investigating the possibility of obtaining thin intermetallic films, which can be used as thermal control coatings for spacecraft. The coating films build the passive part of the overall thermal control system of a spacecraft, thus they must provide strong adhesion with the carrier material and have high functional characteristics, optical ones in particular. The study concerned issues of synthesis of stable intermetallic phase of Al4Cu9, Al2Cu, Cu5Zn8 on aluminum and copper carriers by magnetron layer-wise sputtering of reagents. They have looked into patterns of emergence of intermetallic coating applying modes of "rapid" and "slow" sputtering of reagents, applying various thicknesses of sputtered layers of reagents, temperature of the carrier, heat treatment of sprayed coatings. Incomplete and complete modes of synthesis of intermetallic coverage have been discovered. Obtained cross-sectional images of coatings, outcomes of microanalyzer scanning of reagent distribution through the thickness of sputtered coatings, microhardness values, optical absorption and emission ratios, unit of electric resistances, adhesion to the carrier. Obtained prototypes of intermetallic thermostatic coatings could be used in "solar reflectors" and "solar absorbers" classes. The results of measurements of optical and strength characteristics revealed that the intermetallic films can be used not only as thermostatic coatings for space technology, but also in general mechanical engineering, due to high-end mechanical properties.



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How to Cite

Ismagilov, M. B., Ablakatov, I. K., & Alpysbay, I. (2017). A Study on the Possibilities of Obtaining Intermetallic Coating of Al-Cu and Cu-Zn Systems Deposited on Metal Carrier. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 19(1), 81–89. https://doi.org/10.18321/ectj506




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