Coumarins of genus Ferula L. (Apiaceae Lindl.)
Ferula L., Coumarins, Furanocoumarins, Terpene coumarins, Ethers, Glycosides, Biological activityAbstract
The biologically active coumarins from Ferula L. species of the family Apiaceae Lindl. for the period 1970 to 2022 have been reviewed. The phytochemical investigation of different parts of Ferula L., including gum resin, leaves, fruits, seeds, roots, rhizomes, and resins led to the separation of different types of coumarins. Nearly 185 coumarins were isolated from 35 species of Ferula L. growing in different countries. Coumarins are represented mainly by umbelliferone (7-O-hydroxycoumarin) derivatives substituted in the C-7 position of aglycone, furanocoumarins and metabolites have terpene fragments, esters and glycosides. Umbelliferon is found as a taxon for the genus Ferula L. Some «unusual» metabolites have a furan fragment attached to the pyrone ring. Coumarins are of the psoralen type, containing a furan ring in the C-6 and C-7 positions of the primary skeleton. The rare coumarins with terpene fragments (hemiterpene, monoterpen, sesquiterpene) were reported. The biological activities of some extracts and individual metabolites such as antiinflammatory, cytotoxicity, antibacterial, antileishmanial, antiviral, antigenotoxic, antitumor, anticoagulant, antioxidant, antimycobacterial, inhibition a-glucosidase, antileishmanial were found.
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