Development of the Structure of Road-Construction Materialswith the Use of Drilling Cuttings


  • D. K. Mendaliyeva West Kazakhstan State University after M. Utemisov, Dostyk str., 162, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
  • Z. Kh. Kunasheva West Kazakhstan State University after M. Utemisov, Dostyk str., 162, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
  • J. B. Yakupova West Kazakhstan State University after M. Utemisov, Dostyk str., 162, Uralsk, Kazakhstan



Oil based drilling cuttings after thermal treatment processed at 340 ºС were used as mineral powder for creation of composite material. For a compounding of drilling cuttings the road asphalt of the BND 60/90 brand was used. Efficient activity of natural radio nuclides which made 25 ± 5 Bq/kg was identified. Element structure of drilling cuttings was identified with the usage the method of the X-ray phase analysis. Existence of the signal corresponding to the following connections was established: СаСО3 – calcite, NaCl – halite, BaSO4 – barite, CaMg(CO3)2 – dolomite. Content of calcite makes 65% of masses, content of halite – 15% of masses, content of dolomite – 8% of masses, content of barite – 10% of masses. A small amount of оrganite (СаСО3), anhydrite (CaSO4) and quartz (SiO2) was discovered. Formation of series of test samples of composite material with the subsequent research of their physical and chemical and operational properties was done. The most optimum is the asphalt concrete mixture with the content of 7% of drilling cuttings as mineral powder. Physical and chemical characteristics of the made samples indicate compliance to qualifying standards. The received results allow recommending drilling cuttings after thermal treatment as a mineral additive at construction of highways of IV-V technical category. The use of oil based drilling cuttings as a mineral component of road-building coverings does not constitute ecological danger to the environment, thereby, it gives the chance to solve one of the urgent environmental problems of the region, i.e. the effective use of industrial wastes and environment protection.



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How to Cite

Mendaliyeva, D. K., Kunasheva, Z. K., & Yakupova, J. B. (2015). Development of the Structure of Road-Construction Materialswith the Use of Drilling Cuttings. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 17(1), 75–78.


