Application of Fertilizers and Change of Enzymatic Activity of Soils
As a result of experimental research it has been found that piedmont irrigated chestnut soils of Zailiyskiy Alatau in natural conditions are characterized by moderate activity of hydrolytic and redox enzymes. Crop rotation raises hydrolytic activity of enzymes' groups (invertase, urease, ATPase) by 30% in comparison with monoculture, but at the same time it does not have a significant impact on change of biological activity of redox enzymes (catalase, dehydrogenase). Hydrolytic activity of soils is activated to a greater extent in crop rotation, by monoculture and background of organic system of fertilizers. Therewith, mineral systems of fertilizers don't inhibit activity of hydrolytic and redox enzymes under recommended norms. Increment of hydrolytic activity of soils has a direct impact on level of yield capacity of oilseed flax. Thereupon, indices of hydrolytic activity of soils can be used as a test for diagnosis of efficiency of fertilizers systems both within crop rotation and by monoculture.
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