Structure Formation of the Surface Layer of Soil as a Way to Prevent a Wind and Water Erosion
The present work describes the results of a study of structuring ability of water-soluble polymers such as polydimethyl diallyl ammonium chloride, saponification product of polyacrylonitrile (uniflok) and their interpolymer complex. On the kinetics of growth of Rehbinder’s plastic durability of coagulation structure of soil concentrated suspensions the effect of water soluble polymers and interpolymer complexes on the structure formation in the dispersions was studied. It was determined that the process is a two-step process which was caused by the adsorption step process: the binding of macromolecules with the soil surface by the random segments and conformational changes of macromolecules in the adsorbed layer. It was found that the soil stability structured by polymers against wind and water erosion increased with the concentration of water-soluble polymers. This is due to the increase of the structure formation in concentrated suspensions of soil in the presence of water soluble polymers. On the basis of the results it can be concluded that the treatment of mineral dispersions by water-soluble polymers alone or in the form of the interpolymer complex leads to a significant reduction of dust-and run-off of soil particles. The PDMDAAC/uniflok interpolymer complex in comparison with polymers reduces intensively the deflation which has a great economic and ecological importance.
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