A Comprative Study of Soil Analysis by Employing Chemical and Instrumental Methods
The different elements are essentials for growth and fertilization of plants. Such as carbon, nitrogen,
phosphorous, potash and some other materials are essential for plants in proper proportion. The qualities of
soil are different at different area and it also fit for different crops. We analyzed thousands of soil samples
by using various chemical and instrumental methods for Daskroi-taluka of Ahmedabad District, like pH
metry, conductometry, colorimetric. Here action of soil measured by pH, amount of soluble salt measured
by Electric conductivity, organic carbon and phosphorous measured by colorimetric and potash measured by
flame photometer. These results also compare with the standard elemental data available for particular crops. Finally we explore excess or deficiency of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, potash and some other materials in the soil and discussed some important results for the land of Daskroi-taluka of Ahmedabad district.
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