Macrokinetics and Practical Application of SHS Process under the Conditions of a Centrifugal Force


  • G. Ksandopulo Institute of Combustion Problems, 050012, Almaty, 172 Bogenbay Str., Kazakhstan
  • A. Baydeldinova Institute of Combustion Problems, 050012, Almaty, 172 Bogenbay Str., Kazakhstan
  • A. Ainabayev Institute of Combustion Problems, 050012, Almaty, 172 Bogenbay Str., Kazakhstan
  • M. Arkhipov Institute of Combustion Problems, 050012, Almaty, 172 Bogenbay Str., Kazakhstan
  • K. Omarova Institute of Combustion Problems, 050012, Almaty, 172 Bogenbay Str., Kazakhstan



Extension of the possibilities of using SHS based on combustion with the aim to obtain impurity-free alloys, special ceramic materials with enhanced strength and thermal characteristics due to the effect of centrifugal acceleration is a practical task of this investigation. The use of a centripetal force in the method of SHS in layer oxide systems opens the prospect of using high temperature effects for creation of a wide spectrum of target products differing in composition and properties.


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How to Cite

Ksandopulo, G., Baydeldinova, A., Ainabayev, A., Arkhipov, M., & Omarova, K. (2011). Macrokinetics and Practical Application of SHS Process under the Conditions of a Centrifugal Force. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 13(3-4), 155–160.


