Application of Interpolymer Complexes of Novel Poly(ampholyteelectrolyte) as Soil Structuring Agents and for Extraction of Radioactive Strontium


  • L. A. Bimendina Institute of Polymer Materials and Technology, Satpaev str.18a, Almaty, 050013, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • M. G. Yashkarova Semipalatisk Shakarim State University, Semipalatinsk, Glinka str. 20a, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • L. K. Orazzhanova Semipalatisk Shakarim State University, Semipalatinsk, Glinka str. 20a, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • S. E. Kudaibergenov Institute of Polymer Materials and Technology, Satpaev str.18a, Almaty, 050013, Republic of Kazakhstan



Novel linear copolymer exhibiting poly(ampholyte-electrolyte) behavior was involved into complexation reaction with anionic, cationic and nonionic polymers. Interpolymer complexes were prepared by mixing of aqueous solutions of individual polymers with concentration varying from 10-1-10-4 mol⋅L-1. The formed interpolymer complexes showed the soil structuring effect and the ability to extract the radioactive strontium from the polluted topsoil of Semipalatinsk Test Site. The mechanism of soil stabilization or aggregation was explained by the fact that the soil particles bearing negative charges interact with positively charged "loops" of interpolymer complexes resulting in the formation of so called "cobweb" (or protective crust) on the soil surface. The effective capturing of radioactive strontium by interpolymer complexes may be connected with formation of more stable ternary polymer-metal complexes. It was demonstrated that: I) interpolymer complexes are the most effective soil structuring agents than that of individual components; II) the optimal concentration of interpolymer complexes for soil aggregation is 10-2 mol⋅L-1; III) pouring of soil surface by interpolymer complexes is more effective than the splashing; IV) the treatment of the soil by already pre-existing interpolymer complexes is most effective than the successive treatment of the soil by individual components; V) the best soil structuring properties were shown for interpolymer complexes stabilized
by H–bonds and intra salt bonds.


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How to Cite

Bimendina, L. A., Yashkarova, M. G., Orazzhanova, L. K., & Kudaibergenov, S. E. (2005). Application of Interpolymer Complexes of Novel Poly(ampholyteelectrolyte) as Soil Structuring Agents and for Extraction of Radioactive Strontium. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 7(2), 139–145.


