Hyperbranched Polyamine as Multipurpose Polymeric Additives for LDPE and Plasticized PVC
The hyperbranched polyamine based on 4,4'-sulfonyl dianiline was obtained by the earlier reported method and used as multipurpose polymeric additives for low density polyethylene (LDPE) and plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The effect of this hyperbranched polyamine on the processability, mechanical properties, flammability behavior, etc. has been studied. The mechanical properties of the compounded polymers before and after thermal aging and leaching in different chemical media were also studied at dose levels of 1 to 7.5% (w/w) of the additive. SEM study indicates that both polymers exhibit homogenous morphology at all dose levels. The mechanical properties like tensile strength (T.S.) and hardness are improved by incorporation of hyperbranched polymeric additive and these properties increased with the increase of dose level. The flame-retardant behavior as measured by limiting oxygen index (LOI) of all samples indicates an enhanced LOI value compared to the polymer without hyperbranched additive. The processing behavior of all compounded polymers was investigated by measurement of solution viscosity and MFR value. The effect of leaching and heat aging of the polymers on the mechanical properties showed that hyperbranched polyamine is better compared to the commercially used antidegradant, N-isopropyl-Nphenyl p-phenylene diamine (IPPD).
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