Soot and Fullerenes Formation in the Premixed Benzene-Oxygen Mixture in Electric Field at Low Pressure


  • Z. A. Mansurov The Institute of Combustion Problems, 172 Bogenbai Batyr Str., 050012 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • N. G. Prikhodko The Institute of Combustion Problems, 172 Bogenbai Batyr Str., 050012 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • B. T. Lesbayev The Institute of Combustion Problems, 172 Bogenbai Batyr Str., 050012 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • M. Auyelkhankyzy The Institute of Combustion Problems, 172 Bogenbai Batyr Str., 050012 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan



Influence of the direct electric current of different polarity on flame forms, soot yield, parameters of soot samples micro crystals (Lа, Lc and d002) and soot particles sizes in intensity range from 0.5 to 20 kV at electrode systems «needle-plane» at combustion of benzene-oxygen mixture at the ratio С/О = 1.0 with addition of 10% volume of argon at pressure 40 Torr was investigated. It was found that at positive polarity action of electric field rises to such a degree that at U ≥ 10 kV it leads to flame extinction. It is shown that maximum decrease in soot yield is observed at negative polarity. It was found that intensity range of electric field in which soot yield was 10% more soot yield without applying electric field. It was shown that parameters of soot micro crystals on average remain constant irrespective of intensity andpolarity. Fullerenes С60, С70 and PAH were identified in the extracts of soot samples by the method of IR-spectroscopy.


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How to Cite

Mansurov, Z. A., Prikhodko, N. G., Lesbayev, B. T., & Auyelkhankyzy, M. (2012). Soot and Fullerenes Formation in the Premixed Benzene-Oxygen Mixture in Electric Field at Low Pressure. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 14(1), 13–18.


