Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis of Composition Materials using Mineral Raw Materials


  • R. G. Abdulkarimova al-Farabi Kazakh National University, al.-Farabi av. 71, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • A. S. Suleimenova al-Farabi Kazakh National University, al.-Farabi av. 71, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Z. A. Mansurov Institute of Combustion Problems, 72, Bogenbai batyr str., 050012, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • D. S. Abdulkarimova al-Farabi Kazakh National University, al.-Farabi av. 71, Almaty, Kazakhstan



The possibility of obtaining multicomponent refractory composition materials on the basis of quarts containing raw material by SHS method was studied. The use of a modifying carbon additive in the form of graphite power, carbonized rice husk, apricot stones and shungit was considered. It is shown that a complex use of preliminary mechanochemical activation (MA) and modification of the charge mixture with carbon containing additives contributes to formation of carbide and nitride phases in synthesis products.


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How to Cite

Abdulkarimova, R. G., Suleimenova, A. S., Mansurov, Z. A., & Abdulkarimova, D. S. (2011). Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis of Composition Materials using Mineral Raw Materials. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 13(3-4), 169–174.


