Development of Demulsifier Compositions for the Destruction of Emulsions and Dehydration of Heavy Oils


  • R. Kh. Salakhov Institute of Combustion Problems, 050012, Bogenbay batyr str. 172, Almaty Kazakhstan
  • R. F. Khamidullin Kazan National Research Technological University, 68 Karl Marx str., Kazan 420015, Republic of Tatarstan Russian Federation
  • Z. A. Mansurov Institute of Combustion Problems, 050012, Bogenbay batyr str. 172, Almaty Kazakhstan
  • D. U. Bodykov Institute of Combustion Problems, 050012, Bogenbay batyr str. 172, Almaty Kazakhstan
  • M. Seitzhanova Institute of Combustion Problems, 050012, Bogenbay batyr str. 172, Almaty Kazakhstan



In oils, oil products and oil fractions, which do not contain paraffins, the action of depressors is useless. In this connection, the research of depressor properties of experimental samples of demulsifying compositions became possible only in regions where highly paraffinic oils are extracted, prepared and transported. Joint researches concerning the study of effect of the developed composite reagents on the rheology of heavy oil from Zhangurshi deposit of the West Kazakhstan region was carried out at al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Institute of Combustion Problems and the Kazan Scientific-Research Technological University. Conducting a comparative evaluation of the wetting power of a number of surfactants made it possible to obtain information on the efficiency of the inversion of wetting in oil-dispersed systems during the destruction of water-oil emulsions. In this work, the express methods for determining of wetting-deterging action of a wide range of different classes and types of surfactants are used, which makes it possible to make a comparative assessment of their effectiveness in a short time. During the research, it was supposed that the washing process of adsorption hydrocarbon layer, including tar-asphaltene substances, from the surface of particles of mechanical impurities involved in stabilization of water-oil emulsion should be preceded by a wetting process.


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How to Cite

Salakhov, R. K., Khamidullin, R. F., Mansurov, Z. A., Bodykov, D. U., & Seitzhanova, M. (2018). Development of Demulsifier Compositions for the Destruction of Emulsions and Dehydration of Heavy Oils. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 20(1), 81–90.


