Soot and Nanomaterials Formation in Flame


  • Z. A. Mansurov The Institute of Combustion Problems, 172, Bogenbai Batyr St., 050012, Almaty, Kazakhstan



soot, nanomaterials, fullerene, graphene, hydrophobic


The seventieth anniversary of Professor Jürgen Warnatz is an important event for the scientific community of investigators of chemical kinetics and computation of combustion. His brilliant research in the field of combustion, particularly in the chemical kinetics reactions should be noted. His manuscript «Combustion» with co-authors is a handbook for specialists in the field of combustion and under my supervision was translated to Kazakh. Professor J.Warnatz contributed much to the development of combustion processes modeling and education of scientists from various countries, including Kazakhstan. The general scheme of conversion of hydrocarbon fuels with new experimental data on the formation of fullerenes and graphenes, taking into account the pressure effect is proposed for the fuel-rich flames. It is shown that the formation of fullerenes is important to the corresponding spatial orientation of PAH, possible at low pressures. The formation of hydrophobic soot surface on silicon and nickel substrates during combustion of propane-oxygen flame was studied. It is stated that the hydrophobic properties are due to the presence of soot particles in the form of nanobeads.


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How to Cite

Mansurov, Z. A. (2014). Soot and Nanomaterials Formation in Flame. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 16(2-3), 169–177.




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