Single Crystal X-Ray Structural Investigation of Alluaudite Related Monophosphate Na2FeMn2(PO4)3


  • N. Dridi Laboratoire de Chimie du Solide Appliquée, Université Mohammed V-Agdal, avenue Ibn Batouta, B.P. 1014, Rabat, Morocco
  • El-H. Arbib Laboratoire de Physico-chimie des Matériaux vitreux et cristallisés, Equipe de Physico-Chimie des Matériaux Inorganiques, Université Ibn Tofaïl, Département de Chimie, Kénitra, Morocco
  • El H. Karni Laboratoire de Chimie du Solide Appliquée, Université Mohammed V-Agdal, avenue Ibn Batouta, B.P. 1014, Rabat, Morocco
  • F. Capitelli Istituto di Cristallografia (IC-CNR), sezione di Bari, Via Amendola 122/o,70126 Bari, Italy
  • B. Elouadi Laboratoire d’Elaboration Analyse Chimique et Ingénieurie des Matériaux (LEACIM), Université de la Rochelle, avenue Miche Crépeau, 17042 La Rochelle, France



The compound Na2FeMn2(PO4)3 has been successfully isolated with the alluaudite structural type. Accurate single crystal X-ray diffraction has allowed solving the structure with reliability factors of R1 and Rw equal to 0.0322 and 0.0790 respectively. It was found that the symmetry is monoclinic with a space group of C2/c and lattice parameters: a = 12.180(2) Å, b = 12.660(2) Å, c = 6.500(2) Å, B = 114.528(3)(°), unit cell volume = 911.8(3) Å3, Z = 8 and dcal.=3.618 Three-dimensional network is formed by the [MnO6] octahedra linked in pairs to form Mn-based octahedral dimers: ([Mn2O10]). Each dimer shares six vertices with six tetrahedra [P(2)O4] to form sheets within the plane (100). The latter are connected by tetrahedra [P(1)O4] delimiting cages and tunnels which house either Fe3+ or Na+ cations. Each [FeO6] octahedron is linked to two [Mn2O10] dimers belonging to two adjacent sheets to form mixed Fe-Mn chains of the type: - Fe3+ - Mn2+ - Mn2+ - Fe3+ - Mn2+ - Mn2+ - Fe3+ - ..., running along the direction [101].


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How to Cite

Dridi, N., Arbib, E.-H., Karni, E. H., Capitelli, F., & Elouadi, B. (2010). Single Crystal X-Ray Structural Investigation of Alluaudite Related Monophosphate Na2FeMn2(PO4)3. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 12(3-4), 213–218.


