Thermodynamically Equilibrium Compositions of the Products Formed During the Filtration Combustion of the Metal-Containing Mixtures


  • E.A. Salgansky Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, 1 Academician Semenov Ave., Chernogolovka, Russia
  • D.N. Podlesniy Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, 1 Academician Semenov Ave., Chernogolovka, Russia
  • M.V. Tsvetkov Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, 1 Academician Semenov Ave., Chernogolovka, Russia
  • A.Yu. Zaichenko Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, 1 Academician Semenov Ave., Chernogolovka, Russia



filtration combustion, rare metals, precious metals, thermodynamics


Thermodynamic calculations for describing the compositions of the products formed in conditions of the filtration combustion of the metal-containing mixtures were carried out. The analysis of the equilibrium compositions of the products was carried out using the TERRA high-temperature thermochemical equilibrium calculation program. According to the results of calculations, the metals were divided into two groups. First one forms both the condensed and gaseous phases and in the second one ‒ metals that are only in the condensed phase. In case of the presence of metal compounds in the gas phase, as a rule, these are the following compounds: metals, oxides, hydroxides, hydrides, sulfides and metal sulfates. Metals of the second group cannot be subjected to mass transfer under conditions of the filtration combustion wave and will remain in solid combustion products (in ash).


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How to Cite

Salgansky, E., Podlesniy, D., Tsvetkov, M., & Zaichenko, A. (2020). Thermodynamically Equilibrium Compositions of the Products Formed During the Filtration Combustion of the Metal-Containing Mixtures. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 22(4), 263‒268.




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